How To Become Rich Like Mark Zuckerberg According To The Movie The Social Network

Unless you’re living under a rock this past decade, you should know who Mark Zuckerberg is.He is known to many as the founder of Facebook, the youngest billionaire in the world (according to Forbes) and a Harvard drop out.

Everyone must be curious as to how one can become rich at a young age like Mark Zuckerberg.Your curiosity will be satisfied when you watch the movie The Social Network which is loosely based on the life of Mark Zuckerberg and the birth of Facebook.

The birth of Facebook may not be as straightforward as other websites.It's full of greed, betrayal and a lawsuit or two.All these can be seen in the movie The Social Network.

The Social Network is a movie which tells the story of Mark Zuckerberg and the birth of Facebook based on the book “The Accidental Billionaires” by Ben Mezrich.Mark Zuckerberg or any of the other characters in the movie weren’t consulted as to the truth of what is told in the movie.

So one needs to take into account that Hollywood always over dramatizes.

Now let's get back to the issue of how to become rich at a young age like Mark Zuckerberg.This is my own interpretation of what I’ve seen of the movie.

First, you need to be a know-it-all.It helps if you know a lot of things and are very sure of yourself.You mustn't care about what others have to say about you.It's also advantageous that you possess some hacking skills and know your html from your url.

You also need to know the right people.Zuckerberg found this in Sean Parker who managed to introduce him to many venture capitalists like Peter Thiel who made an initial investment of half a million dollars.Later many other investors jumped on the wagon and contributed to inflate the value of Facebook.

Lastly you have to betray your only one true friend.It doesn't matter if that is your best friend or the friend whom you confide in about everything.You don't need true friends when you have many investors lining your pocket.

The ending of the movie shows Mark Zuckerberg as one lonely billionaire but with five hundred million friends on Facebook, how can you be alone? Only Mark Zuckerberg would know the truth.

Article Written by UmiNoor

Been writing online since 2009 for several writing websites. Writing had always been my passion. And I just love to share any information that I find online and offline. Hope you enjoy reading my articles here at ExpertsColumn. Be sure to send a friend request to me.

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